Burnside Roadside
The Burnside Roadside
1. *V2 Start at the little rock and work the
golden knobs up and leftish.
2. *V2 Start on a good sloper 5' of the ground
and head up through sparse hands and good
3. **V3 Start in the center of the face opposing
on a good right and a higher crunchier left.
Make a height dependant move to a sloper then
move out left and up to a lichen covered top
The Burnside Wave
1. *V2 The sharp knobby left side of the right
2. **V1 From a huge foot rail and a low
undercling move left to a bucket then up to
the slopey rail and a crux top out.
1. V1* SDS on a high left hand knob
and a good right hand crimp and
head up the dihedral. The Stand
start is an easier warm up.
2. V2** SDS Right hand on the
same knob, left hand in horizontal
crack underneath and make a
powerful move to the rail over the
lip, work it left and mantle. The
Stand start is an easier V1.
3. V3** SDS on a good horn at the
end of the crack move out to a good
sloper on the lip and make the crux
move to get the rail and mantle out.
4. V? SDS Looks like this face has a
good line on it, though the crimps
higher up look a little rotten. Also
watch your heels on the fall.