Lost & Found
**Lost & Found
One the way up to burnside lake their is a large pullout on the right at 1.4 miles with a fire ring in the middle and a granite pile
with a north face that might have potential, but up further inspection doesn't.
1. **V3 An obvious crimp start, then some thuggy
moves out to the arete and up.
2. **V2 Harder then it looks. From a left hand sidepull
and a token right high sloper make a reachy move or a
lot of technical and crimpy moves up to a left hand
sidepull and us it to pull yourself up.
3. **V1 Match the big sidepull flake and head up to a
diagonal rail and work you way up.
4. V? SDS on a crimp and work up to every smaller and
farther crimps.
5. ****!V2R The obvious vertical rail then out left to the
diagonal slopey rail with a crux at the top.
5a. V4? Same start but head straight up to the hidden
crimp and a high crux.
5b. V? Same start but head out right.
6. V? Crimps to a rounded bulge just behind the tree.
6a. V? Looks like a harder line if you move left and up.
7. V4-8? A high start on a sidepull rail and the arete and
up. Wingspan sure doesn't hurt.
8. V? There is something here that looks like you can
head up or work left.
9. V? A layback crack to a mantle and up.
10. *V1 A SDS compression start and a couple strong
moves get you to an easy low angle slab.
11. V? SDS Something ridiculous here.
12. *V0 Slab climb at the diagonal rails.
13. V? The slab just left of the high point looks like it will
Their are probably a bunch more slab climbs.