Caples Lake Dam
Caples Lake Dam Boulders* A couple of decent boulders
near the Caples Lake Dam about 160 yards off the road.
Approach: 2 minute along a cliff side.
Ambiance: ** A nice setting near with some road noise.
Parking: Three or four spots on the south end of the dam.
Kids/Dogs: Unless they wander pretty far they should do
alright. There are some boulders to play on.
Shade: Good.
Rock Type: Granite-the rock could use some cleaning.
Directions: Take US 88 over Carson Pass and park in the
pull out on the south end of the Caples lake dam.
The Right Boulder
4. *V2 Baby Sitter SDS move out left then
back right to a knob and a up.
5. **V2 Only Child A low SDS on triangle
horn and up the arete.
6. **V2 Ugly Brother Wide grip start on the
face on a diagonal crimp on the right and up
to a big diagonal side pull then make a huge
move to the top.
7. V4R? Problem Child The dihedral to a
dyno at the top with a rock from the boulder
in the landing.
8. *V1 Bouncing Boy Low start with your left
hand on the arete and your right on the
slopey nail then move up to the lip and out
8a. **V3 SDS on the rock then move into #8
9. V0 Double Vision Traverse the lip to the
top of the boulder.
The Left Boulder
1. V1 Left Brained The awkward dirty left
2. **V1 The Velvet Sloper Start on a
good gold crimp and head up the crimps to
a sloper and up.
3. **V3 Proud Parent High start on a side
pull near the little tree and a low left
hand/foot and move out left and up with
some long balancy moves.